i had a dream last night that i was alone, somewhere, i don't know where exactly. the streets weren't very busy, but i would walk up next to every single person i saw, with no apparent intent, just so they wouldn't quite acknowledge me. just when i felt like they were comfortable with my presence, i would quickly turn to them and yell/growl/"boo" at them and scare them.. "whaaa?!" you ask? yeah, that's what i thought too. how funny is that?! i'm literally laughing out loud ("lol") as i write this, thinking of how ridiculous it would be if a situation like that were to actually occur. i, for one, would NEVER have the courage to actually pull it off, but it's kind of funny to think about. what does a dream like that mean?
today marked day two of my six day work extravaganza, and i'm already feeling exhausted. i had finally found my groove at MJ's, and i could handle eight tables at once like it was nothing. tonight i had five and i was dying.. it's very frustrating. get me out of the restaurant business! (i hope hunter doesn't think i copy all of his ideas, but he comes up with the most brilliant realizations that i can't help but agree.)
random picture of the day:

i love erika.
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