anyway, after i got home, i pretty much went straight to bed and had the most interesting dream.. here they come again! part of me debated documenting this dream, but the other part of me knows that my lovely grandma reads this, and i think she would appreciate it :)
i was walking down clam beach (in humboldt county) with the chef at my restaurant and this disabled woman whose family i served last night. ben and i were walking and this woman was rolling through the sand in her wheelchair, when i looked out at the surf and saw a giant flock of ducks, geese maybe. i called to my friends, "jesus, look at all of the ducks!" but when i turned around, both of them were gone, her wheelchair empty. frantic, i searched the area of beach with my eyes, seeing no civilization in sight, and becoming both upset and angry that they would abandon me. who abandons their friends, right?
after what seemed like an eternity of exhausting searching, i thought i would just sit by the surf and watch the ducks. i noticed a particularly cute duck family, arranging themselves into a perfect "V", the dad and mom at the front, and the babies trailing along behind. it was odd though because there were about three other ducks who kept rotating in to swim in the "dad" position. Cool, a polygamist duck family! a few minutes passed when i noticed a large being glide beneath the water's surface. right at the shoreline, the woman from the wheelchair emerged from the water, stark naked but not exposed due to the length of her hair. She was like a mermaid. I was amazed at how lovely she looked, when all of a sudden i spotted the most unusual thing: she had an extra pair of lungs that hung outside of her body! it was such a weird sight, but i assumed they helped her breathe underwater. Unaware of my gawking as she emerged from the water, on both legs mind you, she reached down and tucked those extra lungs into her underwear and sat back down in her chair. that's all i remember of her. it was around that time that i saw ben walk by, wrapped up in the blanket i made for my dad a few years ago. "maybe he's covering up his extra lungs too," i wondered.
suddenly, with no recollection of transportation, i was in the kitchen at work, only it wasn't the correct kitchen. I had my homemade blanket with me. ben was there again, and although the kitchen was really busy, I was on my way out the door. I was leaving my blanket with him for some reason, and i told him, "please, do not put this on the floor. i'll leave it with you, but you have to take good care of it." i handed him my blanket, and upon taking it, he threw it into a greasy corner behind the oven. "What are you doing?!" i yelled at him, but he didn't seem to hear me. and that's when my alarm went off.

1 comment:
Wow That's A Good Dream
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