i got to penn station a little after noon, found my hotel, freshened up, and walked down 5th avenue to the NYU campus. from there, i walked all around the village, found carrie bradshaw's house, had a delicious little lunch at the soho cafe, and then found the apartment where the lovely heath ledger died [RIP :( ] with death and memorials in mind (not in a sick way, i promise you), i decided to walk to strawberry fields in central park to see the imagine mosaic.

the next morning, i woke up, checked out of the hotel, and walked to washington square park to eat a nice little breakfast before my 10 AM tour of the NYU campus.

this is where things became entertaining :) so i'm sitting in a seat by the window, reading my book, curled up in my new sweatshirt, when a voice asks me, "do you mind if i sit with you?" looking up, i see a quite attractive, tan, curly-haired boy looking down at me. of course i say yes, so he sits down, and before we've been driving for five minutes, the kid is sound asleep. his head is bobbing around violently, in the same way someone trying to sleep in an upright position naturally does. it was so funny to watch this poor guy in my periphs, struggling to keep his head from flailing around, that i pretended to sleep so i wouldn't wake him up with my laughter. in doing so, i actually did fall asleep, and once i woke up again, his head was resting on my shoulder! so cute. i seriously considered waking him up to ask if he'd like to switch seats so he could rest his head against the window and sleep somewhat comfortably, but by the time i had gathered enough courage to do so, he was awake too. the bus driver stopped somewhere in connecticut to give us all a bathroom/stretch break, and from that point until we got to boston, the cute boy and i talked the entire way! i felt like we talked about so much too, much more than any two strangers would or should talk about on a long bus ride. once we got to south station, we realized that we didn't even know each other's names! anyway, it was such a fun and random and exciting situation.
two weeks to the day until jennelle and i head off to california! i'm so excited to go home. after that, it's back to work for a week, and then my dad and i are going to new york again for orientation! once i'm back in boston, i plan on working like a madwoman the entire month of july, and then our lease is up, and i'll most likely be manhattan-bound! condensing the next two months into so little sentences worries me that time is going to fly by too quickly for me to actually wrap my head around everything. that's part of the excitement though, right?
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