top of the empire state building

the guggenheim

upper west side, as seen from the jackie o reservoir

cute little turtle (one of three we saw swimming around the shoreline!)

the dakota...

imagine mosaic, the day after the death of MJ and farrah.. simple and powerful :(

MJ montage in times square

"i'll be there" in the 42 st subway

beautiful skies on the drive home through connecticut

back in boston, result of flip flop being consumed by the escalator.

What a blast! And 'HaHaHa' on that last pic...careful of your tootsies!!
Dear Ashley Wonderful photos of NY and what a brave soul wading through all the hoops and hurdles of registration. I am so enjoying your blog. I feel as though its the next best thing to being with you especially with photos. Keep it up Love Grandma
Hahaha! I love the last one! And the middle finger dont cross sign!
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