"Forward this message to your sister ... post something on your blog ... the same goes for you"
and so, for you AJ, and all of you other anonymous readers, here is an update! i am so so sorry for the prolonged lack of entries. i recently purchased a blackberry and created a twitter account (separate events), and trying to keep up with at least five modes of communication is quite difficult to do!
so much has happened since the last time i posted, that i don't even know where to begin. i've been running as much as i can, which i must admit hasn't been much this week. dammit. i've been feeling really good though! last thursday was our friend dan's 20th birthday party, and it was such a fun party. around this time last year, we all had a group of friends who we nicknamed "the dirty dozen," and due to unexplainable, natural causes, this group of friends isn't as close as it used to be; HOWEVER, thursday was a reunion, and it was phenomenal. earlier in the week was nayana's 21st birthday, which was a blast too, so i guess that explains where i've been. there's a saying that goes: "school, job, friends. pick two. welcome to college." in the recent weeks, i've been trying to juggle all three, and it's been exhausting but extremely fun.

we have exactly one week of classes left, finals the week after, and then i'm officially halfway through with college! how exciting is that? i've been researching study abroad programs lately, as well as the peace corps. today, we saw a group of irish boys at the grocery store, and now i am set on going to ireland. i mean, i work at a pub now, so aren't i about halfway there? eee!
my precious baby sister busted her knee the other weekend at a volleyball tournament and most likely needs surgery, so i think i'm going to go home for a week or so in june to hang out with her. what a way to start the summer, huh? great for me, but horrible for her.. poor girl :( hopefully jennelle will be coming with me too!
RIP Mr. Moe :(

Yesssss! Make Room For One More On That Trip Home lol BTW Who Is Mr Moe?
mr moe was my grandma's little papillon puppy :(
poor moe moe :(
and that message you were supposed to forward to me?? never did. tell AJ i'm sorry! I'll do better.
cute pics tho! you look fabulous!
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