Friday, April 24, 2009


i don't know if it's because i've been listening to a lot of andrew bird lately, but i've had the biggest urge to start playing the violin again! i read an article that said andrew bird learned how to play using the suzuki method (like us!) and he plays with such a serene, exhilarating sound. i've also wanted to learn how to play the guitar for a very long time, so maybe this will be the summer of running and instruments! we'll see.

i'm also very much over working in restaurants. i found an internship at the JFK library for this summer which sounds really interesting. not so much fun or exciting but interesting. the deadline is next week though, and i need a letter of recommendation, so i don't know if i'll be able to get it in on time. we'll see.

two weeks left of school! i cannot wait. i realized the other day that, because of summer school, i've been in school since the beginning of july! ugh, i cannot wait to take a break. the apartment hunt has been so far unsuccessful, which is very discouraging. the market is so expensive right now! everything we've seen that's in our price range is disgusting, dirty, and in the basement, and any type of decent living is well over $2,000 a month. ridiculous.

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