Thursday, November 13, 2008

boys, vehicles, and rainy days.

just in case all you women out there were wondering, there are, in fact, caring, honest, and genuine men in the world. don't lose hope :)

i think i may have found a buyer for my car! i bought the thing back in july, and it passed away on me twice, and i just can't handle it anymore. besides, hopefully hunter and i are going to live in the city in the near future, and it would be pointless to have a car while living there. oh well, we've gotta make mistakes in order to learn anything, right?

so, i am declaring, hopefully and confidently, that i am going to be a music major. so much for testing out all of the technical, stiff majors out there. music is what i really love, so why not just dive in head first and shimmy? i don't have anything to lose. on that note, i've decided to start putting myself out there more, here and there, with this whole music thing. [austin nevins, if you are reading this, i would love love LOVE to take guitar lessons from you.. please don't hesitate to offer ;) ] now, i realize that those last two sentences were a bit contradictory, but i'm working on it, i promise :)


oh, p.s. i tried dying my hair blonde tonight, and it literally didn't do anything. nothing at all. nope. comeon, chemicals, do your job!

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