Thursday, January 8, 2009

ice + snow = ashley + couch

i got back into boston yesterday morning after a pretty decent flight. american airlines is gaining some points back! i slept 4 of the 5 hours of the flight :) our plane got stuck on the runway for an hour though because the other planes at the gates were de-icing, and it was taking a while.

lemme tell you, boston is a cold, windy, slushy mess right now. yuck. yo quiero california, por favor!

i ended up falling asleep on the couch until almost 4 PM, which made me feel completely ridiculous. i spent all evening reorganizing my entire bedroom, storing some of my old school work, and putting together my ever-growing book collection (yeee!). my body is still on west coast time though, and with no help from that super-nap, i couldn't fall asleep until 3 AM. i took some medicine for my aching jaw/head, which i didn't think helped me at all, but i could NOT get out of bed this morning until 1, and because i forced myself to get up. some powerful stuff she gave me!

so i've spent the day reading, catching up on some work stuff, and staying away from the misery that is outside. my first day back at work is tomorrow, followed by an additional 5 shifts in a row (not fun!) so my schedule's looking pretty frightening right about now. i need to start making money again, so i guess it'll be worth it. 6 days straight, and then at least four days off. here i go!

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