Monday, July 27, 2009


Just a quick update! I know Grandma is aching to know I'm alive :) As we speak, I am on my fourth bus ride to new york to figure out an apartment situation. Lemme tell ya something: I am so sick of making this trip, I can't even begin to explain! This particular trip sucks the worst, considering I woke up at 445 to get here, the bus is full, the AC isn't working, and the man behind me not only hasn't showered in five months (evident by his stench and massive amount of upper arm hair.. Ha ha) his snore sounds like he's gurgling water! Its awful. This should be the last time I'm doing this until I move, which is actually on Friday! Whoa.

I found an old journal attempt of mine that I started right after high school. The first entry I read on July 24, and I had written, Today is July 24, which means I'm going to be in Boston in about three weeks... It was funny and strange to read about my hopes, dreams, and wishes of Boston from before I had even begun living here. I repeatedly wrote that I hoped to fall in love, gain confidence, and "live life with no restraints." It made me wonder if I had accomplished them, or achieved any of the goals I had set for myself. Granted I wasn't here as long as I had previously planned. I didn't find my soul mate, but I sure as hell gained confidence and lived life a bit more adventurously than I did in high school. I skinny dipped in the Atlantic Ocean at midnight, got my nose pierced, experienced St Patrick's Day in Southie, saw two Boston championship parades, went to a Red Sox playoff game (thanks dad!), gained a fantastic best friend and subsequent second family, traveled, made some mistakes (but no regrets!), saw betrayal and heartbreak and laughter and joy, loved my job, met up with some old friends, experienced a horrendous winter, and learned about a life that I had not known before. I think my 18 year old naïve self would be satisfied with what I've done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Ashley... You are a trooper. I know about buses from my youth but your trip was purgatorial. Oh dear. Have you found a place? It does not help to be in the muggy heat either. You will have earned all the good things that will come your way, good classes, interesting, well the most interesting exciting place to live on the planet,new friends etc. I am so excited to read your blog, feel its the next best thing to being there. Cheers and hurrahs from your Grandma in the bleachers. Love love love