Monday, February 2, 2009

25 things.

i did this silly "note" on facebook, and i thought i may as well post it here too (especially since i cannot think of a decent update for you all...)

1. i can't fall asleep without music. i actually can't do anything without music. my favorite genres are classic rock and jazz, and sometimes i'll go through a pavarotti phase. i just really can't stand that screamo shit.. country is mildly tolerable, but everything else = absolutely. i live for it.

2. i am so excited for the day i fill up an entire bookshelf of my own.

3. my independence means everything to me, and it takes one hell of a guy to make me comfortable enough to give that up.

4. there is nothing scarier than spiders or snakes.. ugh.

5. i cannot stand it when people over-use punctuation (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), misspell words for no reason (kool), keep the caps lock on (HEY HOW ARE YOU?), or don't know the difference between the "there" and "your" variations. combine any of the above irritations, and you're in big trouble.

6. when my dad is in a witty mood and erika is tired, they have some of the most hilarious conversations i have ever witnessed. even from the other side of the house, if you hear the pitch of my dad's laugh go up half an octave, there is some seriously funny conversation happening.

7. i'm more of a giver, not so much a taker.

8. i really want to take a road trip across the country, both in the north and the south. i want to see new orleans, the grand canyon, drive route 66.. i also want to see the northern lights, the giant flintstone statues, yellowstone...

9. as much as i've fallen in love with the east coast, my heart belongs in california.

10. josh ritter is my obsession.

11. if i could be anyone in the world, i would want to be beyonce knowles, hands down.

12. i wish i had lived in the days of renoir.

13. give me the beach, a boy, a bottle of merlot, and some classic rock, and i'd be a very happy girl.

14. when i was a kid, i wanted to be a flight attendant SO BADLY, and to this day, i would still love to do it.

15. i wish i had taken advantage of my high school years.

16. my eyes water ALL the time, at almost every emotion. it happens more so when i'm either embarrassed for myself or someone else, or when i laugh, but if you spend enough time with me, you'll definitely see some tears.

17. i am such a chicken when it comes to scary movies, it's a little pathetic. "The Strangers"? Forget about it. "The Ring"? It scared me so badly the first time i saw it that i spent the whole night throwing up.

18. i really want to learn now to play the guitar and/or the piano.

19. it kills me to watch someone take fortunate situations for granted.

20. i can't wait for my little sister to get out of sonoma and be able to do something extraordinary with her brilliant little brain.

21. i'm secretly wishing that some record executive will come across my music myspace and make me famous :D but if he never does, i'll be okay with that.

22. i envy the life my sister leads.. from her cute little loft in the most gorgeous little town, her hilarious friends, to her dreams and aspirations, i just think she is the most incredible person i've ever known.

23. i cannot wait to be a mother. i mean, i can wait, but you know...

24. i wish i was a better cook, like my momma.

25. i can't flip my tongue over, no matter how hard i try, but i can tie a cherry stem in a knot ;)

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