Monday, March 9, 2009

louis ck with a slight chance of slush

due to the sudden downpour of slushy snow this morning, i decided to stay on campus for my three-hour break instead of coming home. i forgot how much i absolutely love people watching, hearing what toils, troubles, excitement, what have you, some people go through. Some people worry about the most absurd, almost silly things, and it makes me wonder why something so small can be so distressing. i could sit somewhere and listen to people all day long. sometimes, when i'm walking through a busy area, i'll try to catch a line or two from each conversation that i walk past, and i'm telling you, people talk about the funniest, strangest things sometimes. Do it next time you're somewhere busy.. you'll get a kick out of it ;)

lucas and i had a nice sushi lunch the other afternoon, and he mentioned this comedian who's filming an HBO special at a venue in boston. I'd never heard of him, so i looked him up when i got home, and i'm telling you.. Louis C.K. Please check him out. It's been quite a while since i've actually laughed out loud at a comedian. this guy is hilarious.


1 comment:

Sierra! said...

That was hilarious!!! I loved his voice!