Thursday, March 12, 2009

three eff's and some elle.

this week hasn't been as nuts as i was anticipating, or perhaps it was and i'm not focusing. last night i made a big shrimp pasta dinner for eight of my friends.. i cannot believe kate gosselin does that every night! it was pretty tough, but in the end, i was so happy. every single person liked everything i prepared! leah is visiting right now, so her and danielle came over and danielle took control of the shrimp for me (thank you!) but i loved having everyone together :)

half of us sat at the table and the other half sat on the couches, and i guess it was awkward, even though i didn't sense that at all. i assumed we were all just eating quietly, but that's my oblivious side talking i suppose. i guess i also forgot to introduce everyone to danielle and leah, and i had the hardest time falling asleep last night because of it. i don't know why i got so upset by it, but i thought i had done everything perfectly, cooked this huge dinner, made everyone comfortable and full, and i missed a step. i suppose one doesn't immediately know how to be a dinner party hostess... it was my first time, give me a break! i'm making one huge mental note about the whole introduction thing though, so i promise i won't forget next time. jesus.

yesterday and today combined showed me the two most difficult tests i have ever taken. yesterday's midterm was literally a situation where i looked at the exam and had absolutely no idea what was being asked of me. today's was equally as difficult, but i think i did alright on it. and, conveniently, both of those classes rely on exam scores, so let's keep our fingers crossed that i don't screw this one up.

i have to close at work tonight, and then tomorrow i'm going to the harvard natural history museum for my biological anthropology class.. i'm actually pretty excited! jennelle leaves for florida around 3, so i'm going to try to pack as much as i can for HOME! i have to work lunch saturday and sunday, and on sunday, i'm leaving for the airport right when i get out of work. sunday is going to be a nightmare, but i think i'll be okay. i have to leave my suitcases in the office downstairs, so i have to be ready to leave on saturday night. and then, 11:30 PM pacific standard time, i will be in california!

it just so happens that my uncle tod and phyllis are flying out today, and because of that, my grandma and uncle are coming to town, and my grandpa and his wife, and because of THAT, erika is spending the weekend in sonoma, so it's going to be a big butler family reunion. i cannot wait! i'm going to miss most of the festivities, considering they are happening this weekend, but it should be wonderful.

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